RSpec 已經可以在 jRuby 上面使用了
來自 infoQ 的消息
ps. Behavior Driven Development 老實說我並不是很了解,但是根據這個網頁可以知道一點皮毛。
RSpec, the Behavior Driven Development(BDD) library for Ruby, has been solidifying on JRuby recently.可以看出 RSpec 對於 jRuby 的重要性,Priority 排那麼高,看來又得去看看 BDD 的意義。不過 jRuby 加入 SUN 之後真是速度驚人。
ps. Behavior Driven Development 老實說我並不是很了解,但是根據這個網頁可以知道一點皮毛。
It pulls together strands from TestDrivenDevelopment and DomainDrivenDesign into an integrated whole, making the relationship between these two powerful approaches to software development more evident.Behavior Driven Development 主要是把 Test Driven Development 跟 Domain Driven Design 結合在一起。